The Bombastic Blob is an obstacle, used as the first obstacle in the Wipeout Zone of Season 5, replacing Killer Luge from the Winter Wipeout Zone of the same season. It was interchanged with the Temple of Flume as the first obstacle throughout the rest of the season.
It functions the same way as most of the other blob obstacles (like the Blob Launch and the Winter Brrr Blob). It is a big sack of air contestants lie on one end, and on the last second of the countdown, a half-ton weight drops from up high above and hits the other end, launching them into the air before they crash down into the water below. The height that the weight is placed varies to adjust for the contestants' weight to prevent them from being tossed off the course or hitting the water too hard.
In Season 6, it was replaced by both the Scare Chair and the Slingshock.